Understanding chronic wound care systems - Wesley Research Institute
Wesley Research Institute

In this study, we aim to map current systems and practices, and investigate barriers and enablers for prevention, identification, recording, and treatment of chronic wounds across UnitingCare Queensland businesses. 

Research Project Team

Lead Researcher 

Associate Professor Elizabeth Martin


Research Team 

Dr Caroline Grogan 

Dr Olivia Fisher  

Ms Belinda Moshi 

Associate Professor Christina Parker (Queensland University of Technology) 

About this Research Project

This project is the first phase of the chronic wounds research program, and we will assess the context of chronic wound care. The prevention, management and monitoring of chronic wounds is likely driven by several contextual factors such as the regulatory environment, government and organisational policies, existing care delivery systems, economic factors, staff and organisational capacity, and the pressures of managing cases with competing care priorities. There is presently little evidence that provides insights into these determinants of chronic wound care.

We will gain these insights by interviewing a range of stakeholders across UnitingCare Queensland businesses and mapping factors impacting chronic wound service delivery. The methods for this project will be based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. This framework is designed to assist in identifying the determinants of health care delivery. 

Project results will be provided to UnitingCare Queensland and inform phase two of this research program, in which we will identify opportunities to improve chronic wound service delivery and co-design innovations to achieve better outcomes for health and aged care consumers. 


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