Gynaecological Cancer - Wesley Research Institute
Wesley Research Institute

ACUMEN For All is investigating the effect of exercise, via telehealth, on quality of life and will help to determine if exercise has a positive effect on recovery following cancer treatment.

Research Objectives





Patient Group

Women who have completed treatment for gynaecological cancer within the last five years

Total Participants


Study location

The University of Queensland, The Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre, Dawn Complete Health and Wellbeing

Study type

Investigator Initiated

Lead investigator

  • Dr Janine Porter-Steele

About this research project

The ACUMEN trial aims to enhance the health-related quality of life and exercise self-efficacy for Australian women treated for gynecological cancer, particularly for patients in rural and remote areas. This study will assess the feasibility of a telehealth delivered exercise intervention for women with gynecological cancer. The cost and clinical effectiveness data from this feasibility trial and the proposed national telehealth trial will evidence that exercise mitigates the considerable personal and social costs of cancer treatment experienced by the target cohort. Armed with robust trial data and in partnership with peak cancer organisations, this trial may lead to an amendment to the Medicare Benefits Scheme to enable exercise physiology to become affordable and standard cancer recovery care.

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